Best skyrim special edition mods
Best skyrim special edition mods

Many of the mods above will probably require you to have either one of these in order to achieve the desired look. Now we have what are arguably the most important character mods – the ones for their face and bodies. Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies, Dimonized UNP, SkySight Skins & TEMPERED SKINS FOR MALES AND FEMALES These make vanilla Vampire lord glow seem like it doesn’t glow at all. Glowing eyes and eyes of aber, on the other hand, will enable you to roleplay all sorts of awesomely powerful characters. Eyes of beauty will bring you dozens of eye appearances with insanely detailed, almost photorealistic textures.

best skyrim special edition mods

These mods have everything you need when it comes to eye textures.

best skyrim special edition mods best skyrim special edition mods

Need I say more? Eyes of Beauty, Glowing Eyes & Eyes of Aber Then there’s freckle mania 2 and it’s all about them freckles. From light facial scratches to burn scars and even a full-on Glasgow smile with which you can visually provide your characters with a glorious (or tragic) backstory. Northborn scars changes, adds, or outright replace the faded scars of vanilla Skyrim with all new warrior markings. They will bring a bunch of beautiful facial appearances, for each sex and race so you can finally fully enjoy your 200-hour playthrough without ever wearing a helmet. If you aren’t the one to fidget around with sliders trying to make your character looking like a human being – my racemenu and better male presets are your mods. My RaceMenu Presets & better male presets So as the mod author says: “If you wanted to play Skyrim with an elf without looking like a deformed alien” – this mod is for you.

best skyrim special edition mods

Although they are fairly distinct and unique in their own right, no one will exactly call them attractive in the way they are portrayed in other fantasy media. Poor elves really took an appearance nosedive when it comes to the Elder Scrolls series. If you don’t own the game yet, you can buy it on Amazon for PlayStation 4, or Xbox One, or PC.

Best skyrim special edition mods